I so addicted to this show that I actually memorized each and every spell from the first four episodes. I really loved watching this show. I even wonder and question myself, what power would I want to have? It was a difficult question, yet when answered, it wouldn't satisfy your curiosity. I have answered this question, once in my high school life... the ability to control water -- every phase and property of it.

Our friendship got deeper with every twist and turn of events. To add spice on our sprouting friendship, we watched Popular -- the one with Mary Cherry, Nicole Julian, Popita Fresh, Josh Ford, Sam, and other characters. We really enjoyed watching tv shows at night and chit chat about it the following morning.
I can still remember how I cried (how petty) the night of our JS prom... It was a monday and the episode of Charmed is about the three of them going back to the past to stop a demon from preventing Melinda Warren deliver her daughter Cassandra. Melinda Warren was the first among the generation of the Halliwell sisters. Still, that was the first episode of charmed that
I was not able to watch. Also, one of the best episode.
Ok, I'm losing my point. It was such a sad feeling knowing that one series, a series you've been watching for 8 years has come to an end. Yes, today is the final episode of Charmed, the war is over, billy's sister got killed, leo's back, the past generations of halliwell has come back to the other side and they lived happily ever after, together with their families.
For 8 years... I was charmed.
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